
June 22, 2016 Breakfast Meeting

At the meeting checks were presented to three local non-profits.
Ginger West head of the Family Resource Center was asked how else we can help
said she could use some men’s clothes. Please bring any unneeded t shirts, shorts
& jeans/levi’s to next week’s meeting on June 29th that will be taken to the Family
Resource Center.  Ginger provides help to a lot of hopeless people. If you have a
bicycle not being used, she also needs bicycles for them. Grace Hengesbach head
of Citrus County Blessings and George Schmalstad head of Filter Youth were
at the meeting, too. Grace could use some help on the 3rd Wednesday of the month
at 7:30am to pickup food from the food bank and take it to a location to be packed
for children to eat at home on the weekend. George could use some help in the
future to clear land and prepare it for the Filter Youth Program.
These would be some good service projects for the club.

                                             Grace, Ginger, George & Roger



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