
Citrus Youth Orchestra

At our August 17, 2016 meeting two young members of the Citrus Youth
Orchestra played classical music for the club members. The orchestra has
about 40+ young musicians practicing and learning classical music.
Marty Hoffman brought his 2 sons to perform classical music and tell us
about the Citrus Youth Orchestra. The boys played the violin and flute.
The orchestra is not part of the Citrus County School system. None of the
schools have a Symphonic Orchestra only bands. The orchestra is funded
with donations and grants. They play several recitals during the year. The
next recital is on August 27, 2016 at the Cornerstone Baptist Church at 3pm.
Marty Hoffman and his 2 sons are shown below with President Roger.

2016-08-17 08.23.35Med

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