
Tiffany Erwin

Citrus County Rotarians from four of the six clubs met Monday February 10th to listen to Tiffany Ervin present an update on Rotary’s CART fund program.   CART – Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust – is a vehicle for collecting and distributing funds for Alzheimer’s research.   Last year, the CART fund distributed $1.4 million to five researchers around the country to study various aspects of the disease in an effort to find a cure or treatment.   Tiffany is a Rotarian from western North Carolina and is the Executive Director of the CART fund.   She made a special trip to Citrus County to thank local Rotarians for their substantial support.    District 6950, of which Citrus County is a part, contributed $144,000 to the CART fund last year and is the leading district in Florida.

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