
August 25 & 26 District Governor Will Miller Visits

District Governor Will Miller Visits

The Club Board of Director and some other members met with the
District Governor Will Miller and had dinner with him. Will reviewed
the status of the club and provided insight on how we were doing
as a Rotary Club. There is one problem to resolve soon, selecting
and approving a President-Elect for 2016-2017. This will be done
at the next club meeting on September 2nd.
At the breakfast meeting the next day Will gave a very good talk about
his views on Rotary and how the he and his district staff of volunteers
can help the club. He then opened it up for questions from the members.
We really appreciate his visiting the club since this is the only time some
club members will have a chance to see him. Will did mention the District
Conference Cruise next April as a chance for club members to meet
Rotarians from other clubs in the district and have fun on the cruise.

2015-08-26 08.33.15-1 2015-08-26 08.33.32-1








District Governor Will Miller with Rotary Exchange Students
Lovisa Hansson from Sweden & So Jin Bae from South Korea

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