
Author Archives: citrusrotary

China & the Far East

Club members enjoyed a great presentation from Arbuth Bumgarner about his business and travel to China and other parts of the far east. He has an import company  that manufactures items in china for horticulture use. Sales are to mostly larger retail stores. Arbuth is a very humorous and a professional speaker that had the… Continue Reading

Citrus Youth Orchestra

At our August 17, 2016 meeting two young members of the Citrus Youth Orchestra played classical music for the club members. The orchestra has about 40+ young musicians practicing and learning classical music. Marty Hoffman brought his 2 sons to perform classical music and tell us about the Citrus Youth Orchestra. The boys played the… Continue Reading

District Governor’s Visit

District Governor Mike Chapman District Governor Mike Chapman was in Citrus County this week visiting the six Rotary Clubs. Our Club’s Board of Directors met with him on Monday evening. He reviewed how well the club was doing and listened to input from some of the board members. He had some suggestions and asked for… Continue Reading

July 27, 2016 Breakfast Meeting

Citrus County Blessings Grace Hengesbach , Executive Director of Citrus County Blessings joined us to plan how the club members can volunteer to help silence weekend hunger for the children in Citrus County schools. She needs help picking up food from the Food Panty and unloading the food and then packing the food for the… Continue Reading