
Author Archives: citrusrotary

Escape from Cuba

PDG Eloy Nunez was at our July 14th Rotary Club meeting at Grand Living to pitch the Escape from Cuba book. He was part of a group of Cuban exiles that each wrote about the experience of leaving Cuba. He had a video with excerpts from each author in the book. It was very interesting… Continue Reading

Rotary Club on WYKE TV

Three members of Rotary Club were on WYKE TV Citrus Today Show promoting calendar sales and End Polio Now. World Polio Day is Saturday, October 24th. The TV Show videos are below for viewing. Vera & Ken Swade reviewed our calendar sales fund raiser and how to obtain a calendar. A donation of $35 to… Continue Reading

Rotary Club Virtual Meetings

The Rotary Club of Central Citrus has had 3 virtual meetings at 5:30pm April 22nd, 29th & May 6th. Attached are pictures of the meeting attendees for the April 22n & 29th meetings. The May 6th recording is not viewable. Attendees seemed to have really enjoyed seeing and talking to their club members. April 22nd… Continue Reading