
District Governor’s Visit

District Governor Mike Chapman

District Governor Mike Chapman was in Citrus County this week visiting the
six Rotary Clubs. Our Club’s Board of Directors met with him on Monday evening.
He reviewed how well the club was doing and listened to input from some of the
board members. He had some suggestions and asked for some additional
information.  On Wednesday Mike was at the weekly breakfast meeting and gave
a talk on his expectations of the District/Clubs for the Rotary year 2016-2017. He
shared some of Rotary experiences and answered member’s questions. He stressed
what a great opportunity the Rotary Convention in Atlanta will be for members.
The District Conference will be at a Tampa Airport hotel and you can fly right after
the conference to the convention in Atlanta.
Mike presented a PHF+5 to Ken Swade and PHF+1’s to Bill Buckner and
Roger Carlson.  Karen Anderson was there to accept a $500 check to the
Citrus Cultural Alliance for providing the picture for the 2016 Rotary calendar.
Karen will also help provide a picture for the 2017 Rotary calendar.
This was the first week of the August Membership Month. Members should try
to bring a friend/guest to the third week of the month which is “Bring a Friend to
Rotary Week”.  Check out the shoes in the pictures below.

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Roger presented club t shirt to Mike Chapman.

Mike & Roger exchanging banners.

Roger presented check and coffee cup to Karen Anderson.

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