
June 29, 2016 Breakfast Meeting

Our last meeting of the Rotary year had a great speaker, State Representative
Jimmy T Smith. He filled in the club members with what happened in this year’s
legislative session in Tallahassee. It was very interesting hearing the changes
to laws that he was involved with trying to pass. Some of the changes he was
supporting passed and some didn’t. Jimmy said that a typical new law will take
up to 5 years to be passed. One of the changes dealt with improving the
employment prospects for discharged service men & women. At this time
it is difficult to translate the service skill to a equivalent civilian skill due
to a difference in how they are defined. He has been meeting with DBPR to try
to have military training & experience applied to criteria for DBPR licensed
activities. It has not been easy and some progress has been made but it will take
a lot longer to make major improvements for veterans.
Several members brought in men’s clothes for the Family Resource Center
as Ginger West had requested last week. The picture below shows the clothes
in the back of the vehicle before carrying them into the Center.

      Jimmy T Smith & Roger                       Men’s Clothes

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