
Kids Christmas Shopping

95 Kids registered for Christmas shopping at Kmart in the Citrus County Mall.
This is always a fun & interesting time helping the kids shop for family, friends
and themselves for Christmas. Each child is assigned to a volunteer who helps
them find Christmas presents which may or not be what was on their list. Five
Clubs from Citrus County participated along with volunteers from Rotaract,
Interact and other volunteers.  The Central Citrus Rotary Club had 10 volunteers:
John Ceparano, Karen Stephenson, Geri Watrouse, Hazel Carlson, Arthur
Delaby, Nancy Ayres, Gary Ayres, Elif Yegen, Eric Hoyer & Roger Carlson.
After shopping was done everybody went to the Crystal River High School
to wrap presents and for pizza & cookies. This was a great time too with the
volunteers trying to help the kids wrap  presents.




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