
Scholarships & Economic Development

The club had another great meeting. Vera Swade presented scholarships to two Seven River High School Seniors. They shared with us their future education and career plans. Bruce Register, Economic Development Director for Citrus County reviewed plans & progress for Economic Development in the county. There are some key dates for decisions coming up, soon.… Continue Reading

Rotary Youth Programs

Connie Lobel updated the Club on Rotary’s Youth Exchange programs. We have students coming  from several countries mostly Europe and Asia. A few have come from Africa. In exchange we send out our students to these countries. We do not exchange with English speaking countries. We have 5 students from Citrus going out in August,… Continue Reading

HS Scholarship & YMCA Awards

On May 15 th the Rotary Club presented the Scholarship awards to High School Seniors and an award for the YMCA Kids Zone. Four students received their awards to help them with college education.  Joanna Castle was there to receive the award for YMCA. Vera Swade and President Mike Busler with four HS Students  … Continue Reading

Painting to Help Boys & Girls Club

The Rotary Club painting crew met on Saturday to help paint the garage and exterior of a Boy and Girls Club’s fund raiser house on Kirkwood Place in Citrus Springs. Their volunteer hours also contribute to the number of hours required by the construction grant. The paint crew is in the picture below. Roger Carlson,… Continue Reading